Life By Design.

My worldview has always been through the lens of design. My father was a Baühaus architect, and from the time I was in Kindergarten, he trained me as his protégé. You could say my life is by design.

I studied architecture and design while also flying for Eastern Airlines. I was honored to work with Eastern’s designers in France as a representative of the cabin crew on the interior fit-out for their new Airbus fleet. We reinvisioned every element of the passenger experience – the cabin, seats, galley kitchen, bathrooms, overhead bins, audio and visual components. I was engulfed in design perfection, and I loved it.

Since then, I have founded, run and sold my own architecture and design firms and helped expand the reach of Gensler, one of the world’s largest architecture and design companies, as a partner. I’ve designed everything from corporate headquarters to yacht interiors.

Finding solutions through design is truly the bedrock of my life.

My decade as a flight attendant also gave me the deepest respect for culture – that complex and brilliant tapestry from different countries of ancestry, lineage and tribes. I became fascinated by what motivates people, and how change can happen within different cultures. I married my love for design and culture with visual communications and marketing and business strategy, as a transformational consultant to global powerhouses and start-ups, small grassroots non-profits and multi-national change agents around the world.

But then came an awakening. My passion for design and culture and business transformation locked eyes with the plastic mess we have designed our way into.

In partnership with A Plastic Planet, I am now committed to helping businesses and the public at large to design beyond plastic. It’s for the future of our planet and all the cultures inhabiting it.

This I know: We all must move away from single use plastic. It will require guidance and commitment. I can get you there.